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10 Benefits of applying urea fertilizer to crops


Let’s talk about the use of urea fertilizer. What is the function of urea fertilizer in plants? Are Urea and DAP fertilizers same? What are the benefits of giving urea fertilizer to crops? What are the disadvantages of urea fertilizer? Should we give only urea fertilizer? Is it bad for soil?

Apart from this, we will know some other important things related to urea fertilizer. What is its market rate? How much dose do we need to take per acre? Can we give urea fertilizer with NPK fertilizer?

What nutrients are present in urea fertilizer?

In this we get 46% nitrogen. For the last few years it is being mixed with neem coating, which slows down the nitrification process of urea fertilizer. As a result, it dissolves in the soil. Plants absorb it more easily.


What if we talk about some important reasons? Why are there nitrogen deficiencies in many crops? So see if there is any nitrogen deficiency in our soil. Therefore, there is deficiency of nitrogen (urea) in crops. Apart from this, due to excessive rainfall, urea is used in crops. There is a shortage of nitrogen. Excessive use of water in the fields also leads to nitrogen deficiency.

Use of urea fertilizer

Apart from this, if the quantity of zinc, manganese, potash and chloride is high in our soil. Only then there is nitrogen deficiency in the crops. If the pH of the soil remains lower or higher than required, then there is urea deficiency in the crops. (Urea fertilizer use)

What are the consequences of deficiency of urea fertilizer in crops?

In this you will see that the leaves of the plant start turning yellow. After some time the lower leaves start drying up. Also the upward growth of the plant stops. Hormones do not function properly. The amount of green slag/chlorophyll decreases. Plants are not able to prepare their food properly. The process of photosynthesis gets disrupted.

Crops do not grow properly. There is lack of protein in crops. Apart from this, the yield and quality of the crop also declines.

What are the benefits of using urea fertilizer?

Plants ripen well. Photosynthesis is smooth. This increases the amount of green fungus. It helps in the formation of amino acids, cytokinins, oxygen in the plant, helps in the formation of proteins in the plant.

There is good yield in crops. Plant growth is good. Proper cells are formed in the plant, and the yield and quality also increases. (Urea fertilizer use)

Apart from this, if the quantity of zinc, manganese, potash and chloride is high in our soil. Only then there is nitrogen deficiency in the crops. If the pH of the soil remains lower or higher than required, then there is urea deficiency in the crops. (Urea fertilizer use)

What are the consequences of deficiency of urea fertilizer in crops?

In this you will see that the leaves of the plant start turning yellow. After some time the lower leaves start drying up. Also the upward growth of the plant stops. Hormones do not function properly. The amount of green slag/chlorophyll decreases. Plants are not able to prepare their food properly. The process of photosynthesis gets disrupted.

Crops do not grow properly. There is lack of protein in crops. Apart from this, the yield and quality of the crop also declines.

What are the benefits of using urea fertilizer?

Plants ripen well. Photosynthesis is smooth. This increases the amount of green fungus. It helps in the formation of amino acids, cytokinins, oxygen in the plant, helps in the formation of proteins in the plant.

There is good yield in crops. Plant growth is good. Proper cells are formed in the plant, and the yield and quality also increases. (Urea fertilizer use)*

When is the right time to give urea fertilizer?

It can be given in the initial growth stage of the crop.
In which crops we can use it?
Farmer brothers can do this in cotton, sugarcane, wheat, paddy, maize, sunflower, soybean, mustard, groundnut, sesame, sesame, almond, gram, moong, urad, arhar, barbati, potato, banana, safed, coconut, radish, Are. Carrot, papaya, guava, orange, pomegranate, mango and grapes.

You can give it to almost all crops. How should farmers understand the benefits of crops?

What are the crop benefits? Some crops!!

Benefits of giving urea to Cotton

The plant smoothens internal functions. Produces the process of photosynthesis of the plant. Due to which the plants ripen quickly. Helps in formation of new cells. Increases the amount of green slag/chlorophyll.

Provides nitrogen to the plant. Makes the crop stronger. Very useful in the initial stage of the plant. The plant grows. The yield and quality of cotton increases. (Urea fertilizer use)*

Benefits of giving urea to Sugarcane

Plant hormones act. Due to which plants grow faster. It is also helpful in the formation of amino acids. The amount of greenery in plants increases.

Enhances the ripening process of the crop. Prevents stress. Makes the plant stronger. Keeps the crop healthy. Removes nitrogen deficiency. The yield and quality of sugarcane increases. (Urea fertilizer use)*

Benefits of giving urea to Paddy field

It promotes proper growth of cells. By increasing the amount of chlorophyll the plant becomes green. Produces the process of photosynthesis. It corrects nitrogen deficiency in paddy.

Protects the crop from stress. Gives strength to the crop. Apart from this, Farmer Bhai increases the yield and quality of paddy. (Urea fertilizer use)*

Benefits of giving urea to wheat

Wheat speeds up the chewing process. The crop grows. Roots also develop due to this. Makes the plant stronger. Prevents stress.

Produces the process of photosynthesis. Removes nitrogen deficiency in wheat. Apart from this, the farmer also increases the yield and quality of wheat.

Farmer brothers, now let’s talk about its dosage?

How much dose to take?

Farmer brother, you can take it normally 30-50 kg (1 bag) per acre basal dose. If your soil is deficient in nitrogen then you can increase it as per requirement. If you want to spray on crops, you can take it up to 70-90 grams per 15 liters of water. You can give it. Also keep in mind that it is very important to have moisture in the soil before spraying. Do not use urea fertilizer for spraying in large quantities. This causes damage to the crop. Instead of growing crops, plants may become stressed. Take special care of it.

For vegetable crops, you can give basic dose of 25 – 30 kg per acre. You can mix it with other fertilizers, PDM compost, NPK compost, vermicompost compost and granular seaweed compost near the roots of the plant. Crops at higher altitude require more urea fertilizer.

Also, do not use it in crops at the time of flowering. There may be a problem of flower fall. Do not use it even during diseases caused by blight. Crops have been damaged.

What is the right way to give urea fertilizer? How to reduce the harm of urea fertilizer?

Before giving urea fertilizer, it is necessary to have moisture in the soil. It is beneficial to apply urea fertilizer by running water. Due to which the crops get water quickly. Do not give urea fertilizer too close to the plant. Apart from this, do not mix urea fertilizer with fertilizers like calcium nitrate, ammonium sulphate nitrate, nitropotash, potash ammonium nitrate.

What is the price/market rate?

So a packet of around 50 kg comes to Rs 270-300. Depending on the location and country, the price may be slightly higher or lower. Farmer brother, please tell us in the comments how much is available in your area.

If we talk about its manufacturing company, then it is a product of IFFCO.

Apart from this, farmer brother, there is nothing that you can use only IFFCO fertilizer. Many other companies are also providing this fertilizer. You can buy and use it.

Special Caution: Avoid purchasing local urea fertilizer. Results are not available. Use some real fertilizer. Do not mix it with other fertilizers and keep it for a long time. Due to chemical reaction the quality of fertilizer reduces. You have to take care of this.

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