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How to cultivate Anacyclus pyrethrum? What are the uses of medicines? Everything We Know


How to cultivate Anacyclus pyrethrum?, what are the benefits of the plant? What are the medicinal uses? gives you all the information. The root of this medicinal plant is sold the most expensive. However, its roots and husk are sold for Rs 2,000 per quintal and the seeds are sold for Rs 1,000 per kg. Earning from medicinal plants crop is up to three times higher. These days, in view of the increasing cost of farming and low income, many farmers of the area have increased inclination towards cultivating medicinal plants. Agarkara is also one of them. The price of which is very high and the cost is very low.

Anacyclus pyrethrum is a seven month crop

If seen, the cost of traditional crops is increasing now. The prices are also not right. Due to which the farmer of the area has planted a medicinal plant called Agarkara in about three acres of his agricultural land. The price of Anacyclus pyrethrum seeds was one thousand rupees per kg. Dharmendra had brought about 30 kg of seeds. Which were planted in three and a half acres. Sowing was done in November. The age of the crop is six to seven months. The crop is ripe and ready in seven months. The production of roots from the plant is eight to ten quintals per acre.

30 thousand rupees quintal

The price of the roots of this medicinal plant in the market on normal days is Rs 25 to 30 thousand per quintal, but due to the increase in demand for Ayurvedic medicines during Corona, its price has reached Rs 35 to 40 thousand per quintal. The flowers grown in the plant are also sold for two to three thousand rupees per kg. Due to which the farmer gets good profit.

Total income of six and a half lakhs

Anacyclus pyrethrum seed

Farmers say that they had brought 30 kg of seeds. Which was sown in three and a half acres. According to this, about eight and a half thousand seeds were planted in one acre. Fertilizer worth Rs 10,000 was applied in one acre. Now the cost of harvesting will be 15 thousand acres. Overall, Rs 35 thousand have been spent on one acre.

There will be eight to ten quintals of roots in one acre. Due to which there will be an income of three and a half lakhs. There will be four quintals of chaff which will be sold for around eight thousand rupees. Three quintals of seeds will be produced. Due to which there will be an income of three lakhs. The total income will be Rs 6.5 lakh.

Suitable soil for Akarkara

Akarkara cultivation requires fertile land with proper drainage. Whereas it cannot be cultivated in waterlogged and heavy soil lands. PH of land for its cultivation. The value should be around 7.

climate and temperature

The temperate climate is most suitable for the cultivation of Akarkara. In India, farming is done with Rabi crops. Plants require more sunlight. For this reason it is not cultivated in shady places. However, this plant grows well in shady places. But the roots of the plant do not form well in shady places, for which it is cultivated. Agriculture does not require much rain. There is no effect of extreme cold or heat on Akarkara plants. Plants can also tolerate frost in winter.

Akarkara plants require a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees to initially germinate. After that its plants grow well at minimum 15 and maximum 30 temperatures. It is good for the temperature to be around 35 degrees during ripening of the plants.

Field preparation

The soil of the field for the cultivation of Anacyclus pyrethrum should be friable and soft. Because Anacyclus pyrethrum is a tuberous crop. Whose fruits develop inside the ground. Therefore, while preparing for its cultivation, initially plow the field deeply with soil turning plows and leave the field open for a few days. After that, add appropriate amount of old cowdung manure in the field and mix it well with the soil. After mixing the fertilizer in the soil, plow it by running water in the field. After a few days of plowing, when the upper surface of the soil appears dry, the field should be plowed again.

Plant preparation

Anacyclus pyrethrum plant can be grown in both seed and sapling form. Its saplings are also prepared through seeds in nurseries. Its seeds should be treated with cow urine before growing them in the ground to prepare saplings in the nursery. So that the plants can be protected from initial diseases. The seeds are treated and planted in pro-trays a month in advance. After the seeds are ready, they are uprooted and planted on the field prepared in the field.

Planting method and time

Anacyclus pyrethrum plant

Anacyclus pyrethrum plant Details

Anacyclus pyrethrum is cultivated through both seed and plant methods. For its cultivation in the form of seeds, about three kg is sufficient and for its cultivation in the form of saplings, 2 kg of seeds is sufficient. Before growing its seeds in the field, they should be treated with cow urine. While planting the treated seeds in the field, it is planted on mud. For this, the distance from maid to maid should be around one fit. Whereas on the med, its plants should be planted at a depth of two to three centimeters at a distance of 15 centimeters on both sides.

Its plants are also planted in the form of saplings in the garden itself. Its plants should be planted in zig-zag manner at a distance of 15 to 20 cm. And during planting of plants, they should be planted at a depth of four to five centimeters. It is always good to plant seedlings in the evening. Because plants germinate well when transplanted in the evening.

For the cultivation of Anacyclus pyrethrum, seeds and plants should be planted in the field between the months of October and November. It is considered good to plant seeds in the month of October. Plants get adequate time to grow.

Irrigation of plants

Anacyclus pyrethrum plant and flower

Anacyclus pyrethrum plants should be irrigated immediately after planting them in the field. So that the plant does not face any problem in sprouting. After the first irrigation of Anacyclus pyrethrum plants, light irrigation should be done in the beginning to maintain the moisture content in the field till the seeds germinate.

Anacyclus pyrethrum is cultivated in winter season. For this reason, its plants require less irrigation after sprouting. Only 5 to 6 irrigations are required for the plants to become ripe. After germination, plants should be watered at an interval of 20 to 25 days.

Amount of fertilizer

Like other crops, its plants also require fertilizer. While preparing the field for its cultivation, 12 to 15 carts of old cowdung manure should be applied in the field per acre. Instead of cow dung manure, farmers can use any organic fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers are not used in farming. Because it is cultivated as a medicinal plant. But still if the farmer wants to use chemical fertilizer then one bag of NPK per acre. This quantity should be sprinkled at the time of last plowing of the field.

Weed Control

Weed control is very important in the beginning in the cultivation of Anacyclus pyrethrum. Weed control in farming should be done through weeding only. Because if weed control is done chemically, the quality of its tubers is reduced. The first weeding of plants should be done about 20 days after planting. Whereas the remaining weeding should be done at an interval of 20 to 25 days after the first weeding. Three weeding of its plants is sufficient.

Diseases and their prevention

No specific disease has been seen in the cultivation of Anacyclus pyrethrum till now. But due to water logging, its plants suffer from rot disease. Due to which its production suffers a lot. For this reason, do not let the situation of waterlogging arise in its plants.

Digging and cleaning plants

Anacyclus pyrethrum plants are ready for digging about 5 to 6 months after planting in the field. The leaves of fully mature plants begin to appear yellow, and the plant begins to dry up. During this time it should be excavated. It should be excavated with deep soil uprooting ploughs. Before digging its roots, the seed stalks formed on the plant should be broken and collected. From which one and a half to two quintal seeds are obtained per acre.

After uprooting the roots, they are cleaned, cut and separated from the plants. After separating the roots, they are dried in a shady place or in mild sunlight for two to three days, packed in sacks and sold in the market. Its single root crop gets higher market price.

Yield and profit

Per acre crop of Anacyclus pyrethrum, one and a half to two quintals of seeds and 8 to 10 quintals of roots are obtained at a time. The market price of its roots is found to be around Rs 20 thousand per quintal. And the market price of its seeds is found to be around Rs 10 thousand per quintal. Due to which farmer brothers can easily earn from one acre to two lakhs at a time.

Anacyclus pyrethrum flower, seeds, root

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