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What is trichoderma ? benefits, used, Everything We Know


What is trichoderma?, how to use it? What are its benefits? Why is it used? Come, let us give you information about Trichoderma, today the demand for organic farming is increasing, in organic farming only naturally prepared things are used, from seeds to medicines. Trichoderma has a special importance among these medicines.

Trichoderma frees plants from disease by inhibiting the growth of disease-causing organisms in the fields or killing them. Not only this, Trichoderma also increases the disease resistant capacity of plants by changing the chemical processes of plants.

Trichoderma is called friendly fungus

There is a type of fungus which is very beneficial for the soil and plants of the field. Trichoderma is also called friendly fungus. Trichoderma is a microscopic worker that works silently and continuously in the root zone (rhizosphere) of plants. It is a pathogenic soil-parasite fungus which is often found on organic remains. Therefore, it is an important fungicide for the management of many types of crop diseases caused by fungi in the soil.

what type of soil to cultivate

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It grows and grows in the soil and protects the plants near the root zone and the crop right from its nursery stage. About 6 species of Trichoderma are known but only two, Trichoderma viridi and Trichoderma harzianum, are found in abundance in the soil.

Trichoderma’s Mechanism in Improving soil condition

Trichoderma production method ( how to make trichoderma )

In the rural home method of producing Trichoderma, cow dung cakes are used. In a shady place in the field, the grains are pounded and cut into fine pieces. It contains 28 kg or about 85 dry tubers. Water is added to these and mixed well with hands. So that the pile of tubers starts appearing dark brown.

Now add 60 grams of high grade Trichoderma pure culture to this pile. This pile is covered well with an old jute sack and then the sack is soaked with water from above. By sprinkling water on the sack from time to time, proper moisture is maintained.

After 12 to 16 days, the heap is thoroughly mixed to the bottom with a shovel. And cover it again with a sack. Water has to be sprayed from time to time. After about 18 to 21 days, green fungus starts appearing on the heap. The pile starts appearing completely green in about 28 to 30 days. Now this heap can be used for soil treatment.

In this way, you can produce simple, cheap and high quality Trichoderma at your home. To prepare a new batch again, some part of the already prepared Trichoderma can be saved and thus used as a mother culture for the new batch. So that we will not have to take the mother culture from outside again and again.

Helpful in controlling Trichoderma diseases without causing any harm

Trichoderma is helpful in controlling various diseases by destroying fungi harmful to crops. Let us tell you, chemical fungicides have many side effects, but the use of Trichoderma does not cause any harm to the crops.

types of trichoderma

There are many types of trichoderma. Among the various varieties of Trichoderma, Trichoderma viridi and Trichoderma harzianum are the most prevalent. It is helpful in controlling various diseases by destroying fungi harmful to crops.

Trichoderma how to use

Trichoderma is used in a variety of ways. With this, seed treatment, soil treatment, root treatment and also spraying of crops can be done.

beneficion Trichoderma

What are the benefits of Trichoderma?

It destroys fungi like Fusarium, Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Sclerosium, Sclerotinia, etc. Due to which plants are protected from falling prey to various diseases. Using it while preparing the field destroys the harmful fungi already present in the soil. By treating seeds and roots, plants can be protected from many fatal diseases. Its use does not have any negative effect on the crops. No harmful chemicals are used in it. Therefore, its use does not have any adverse effect on the fertility of the soil.

Trichoderma seeds are treated before sowing

Trichoderma is used in various agricultural purposes. It is used to treat soil while preparing the field. With this the seeds are treated before sowing. Before transplanting in the main field, the roots of the plants prepared in the nursery are treated with Trichoderma. It is also used to control various diseases in standing crops.

Method of treating seeds from trichoderma

Mix 2 to 4 grams of Trichoderma powder evenly per kilogram of seeds before sowing. Due to this, after sowing the seeds, Trichoderma fungus also starts growing in the soil and protects the crops from diseases by destroying harmful fungi. If the seeds have to be treated with insecticides, then treat them with insecticides first. After that use it.

Method to treat soil from Trichoderma

While preparing the field to treat the soil, add 1 kg Trichoderma powder to 25 kg cow dung, compost or vermi compost.

Also Read – 10 Benefits of applying urea fertilizer to crops


What is Trichoderma and its uses?

trichoderma in agriculture

trichoderma for plants

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