26.1 C

Advanced cultivation and cultivation method of potato


Potato is one of the important vegetable crops of the country, its average yield is 200-250 kg. per hectare, the food items produced from it make it more interesting. Like- fig chips, (french fries), potato chips, murabba, vegetables etc. If better varieties and new technology are adopted, its yield can be increased further.

Potato plant

Suitable soil and climate for potato cultivation

Plant potatoes in well-drained sandy loam soil rich in organic matter. Potato crop should not be grown in alkaline soil which has stagnant water. pH value-5.2-6.8 Mild climate is required for good growth of potato. At the time of growth and flowering of tubers, temperature conditions of 18-20 degrees Celsius and 20-24 degrees Celsius respectively are considered good. High temperatures badly affect the process of tuber formation.

Treat Seeds

Buy potato seeds from government institutions. Potato seeds must be changed after three to four years, otherwise there is a possibility of viral diseases increasing in the seeds. 30-40 grams of well germinated ones. Remove the weight of seed potatoes from the cold storage 10 days before sowing. First keep the seeds in a precooling chamber for 24 hours and then keep the seeds in a shady place. During this time, remove rotten and unsprouted potatoes.

Important variety and hybrid variety seeds

Early varieties:- Kufri Alankar, Kufri Bahar, Kufri Chandramukhi, Kufri Jyoti.
Medium variety:- Kufri Badshah, Kufri Miracle, Kufri Lalima, Kufri Sheetman, Kufri Swarna, Kufri Naveen, Kufri Sutlej, Kufri Chipsono-1, Kufri Chipsona-2
Previous installments:- Kufri Neelmani, Kufri Jeevan, Kufri Sindoori, Kufri Kisan

Sowing time for potato cultivation

The appropriate time for sowing potatoes is the second fortnight of October. This time is suitable because the places where frost occurs are in the last month of December or the first month of January. Therefore, potatoes get full time to grow until frost occurs.

Sowing Method

Tuber seeds should be obtained from cold storages 10-15 days before sowing. These tuberous seeds should be spread in a bucket or plastic rack. The seed to seed distance for sowing on the basis of tuber is as follows.

Seed Size 

Seed weight (g) 

Tuber diameter (cm)

Planting distance 

Large Size 25-30




Middle Size 15-20




Small size 10-15


60 *15

The tubers are planted in rows of prepared beds in the field, which are shorter and longer according to the slope of the field. That is, in lesser slopes the length of the beds should be less and in higher slopes the beds should be kept longer. For sowing, dig the rows with a narrow hoe, cover them after planting them in the seed tubers at the recommended distance. Irrigation is done immediately after sowing. So that the roots spread well and good yield is obtained.

Manure Fertilizer

Potato production can be increased significantly with appropriate amount of fertilizer. While preparing the land, use compost or FYM. Mandatory use of cow dung manure is necessary to get good yield. At the time of ploughing, well decomposed cowdung manure should be mixed at the rate of 200-250 quintals per hectare. Along with this, 100-150 kg nitrogen, 80-100 kg phosphorus and 80-100 kg potash per hectare is necessary for better yield of potatoes. At the time of sowing, 2/3 to 3/4 quantity of nitrogen and entire quantity of phosphorus and potash should be applied. Some micro elements like boron, zinc, molybdenum, copper should also be used as per requirement.

How much irrigation should be done in potato cultivation?

It is necessary to have proper moisture in the land at the time of sowing. So that the roots can develop well. Irrigation should be done according to the moisture in the soil. Generally irrigation should be done by flood method at an interval of 7-10 days, thus 6-8 irrigations are required in potato crop. Irrigation should be stopped 10 days before digging potatoes. Due to which the peel of potato tubers becomes hard.


The first weeding of the plant should be done after 30-35 days. By this time the plant will reach a height of 20-30 cm. Becomes higher. The remaining quantity of nitrogen should be given at this time. Generally, after two weeks of soiling, soil should be soiled for the second time. Tubers grow better when provided with soil. Also they are saved from turning green.

potato farming

Weed control in potato farming

1.00 Km for weed control. 2 kg of Nitrocaine or Alachlor. The quantity should be used per hectare so that the cost of human labor at the time of weeding can be avoided.

potato plant

Digging produce and storage

When the potato leaves start drying, the branches of the plants should be cut from the ground level 10-15 days before digging the potatoes. So that the peels of the tubers can become thick, after digging the tubers should be kept in a heap for 15 days. For cold storage, the temperature should be 2-4 degrees Celsius. In the plain areas, the yield from early and middle varieties is 200-500 quintals/ha. And from late varieties 300-400 quintals/ha. The yield is obtained.

Also Read – How to do advanced tomato cultivation and earn more profits

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