26.1 C

How to do advanced tomato cultivation and earn more profits


Tomato can be cultivated in different types of soil, but loamy soil with proper drainage is beneficial for a good crop. For this, 6-7 pH is considered good. For tomato crop, make raised beds, which should be 10-15 inches from the ground. While making the beds, mix the soil well and make it crumbly and also add fertilizer to it as per requirement. The fruits grown due to raised beds are better. And weeds are also less.


Tomato is a hot season crop. This crop cannot tolerate frost. The temperature for tomatoes is 18 degrees Celsius- 27 degrees Celsius. Of. Beach is suitable. The ideal night temperature for bearing fruits should be between 15 to 20 degrees. Excessive heat has an adverse effect on the color and taste of fruits.

Seed Rate

About 350 to 400 grams of seeds are sufficient to prepare a nursery for growing crops in one hectare area. For hybrid varieties, the seed quantity of 150-200 grams per hectare is sufficient.

Tomato Varieties

Pusa Sadabahar, Pusa Ruby, Arka Vikas, Sonali, Pusa Sheetal, Pusa Rohini, Pusa-120, Pusa Early Dwarf, Pusa Hybrid-1, Pusa Hybrid-4, and Pusa Hybrid-2

Nursery Preparation

Saplings are prepared for tomato cultivation in the month of July. To plant tomato seedlings in one acre field, in the month of July, set up a nursery for tomato seeds in an area of 2 decimal places. For this, make a bed in a part of the field, add cowdung manure, prepare soil two inches high and sow native or hybrid seeds and once the sapling is ready, transplant it in the field.

Time Of Sowing

We plant tomato crop twice. For Kharif, sowing and transplanting is done from July to August and for Rabi from October to the end of November.

Amount of Fertilizer

One month before planting, mix well rotted cow dung or compost and street manure at the rate of 20-25 tonnes/hectare. Use 60 and 50 kg quantity of phosphorus and potash respectively in the soil before planting and use the remaining half quantity of nitrogen after the crop flowers.


Tomato crop requires moisture. More or less moisture can be harmful, hence according to the season, give light water at an interval of 6-7 days in summer and at an interval of 10-15 days in winter.

tomato plant details

Weeding and Supporting Plants

Weeds often come along with the crop, which do not allow the essential nutrients to reach the plant completely, hence weeds should be removed from time to time by weeding.

It is necessary to support the tomato plants at the time of flowering. Tall growing varieties of tomatoes especially require support. Due to which the fruits do not come in contact with soil and water, as a result there is no problem of fruit rot. To provide support, after 30 to 45 days of transplantation, make holes in bamboo or wooden sticks at different heights and tie them with wires and then tie the plants to the wires with the help of twine. In this way you can get good quality crop.


Plants planted in August start bearing fruits in October. The crop is ready for harvesting in 75 to 100 days. Harvest the fruits when their color starts turning light red. Harvest the ripe fruits to send them to the nearest market.

Disease and Control

Wet rot: Usually it is caused by fungi and occurs in nurseries.


Sow the seeds after treating them at the rate of 3 grams Thiram or 3 grams Captan per kg seed. Before sowing in the nursery, mix Thiram or Captan in the soil at the rate of 4 to 5 grams per square meter. The nursery should be raised 4 to 6 inches above the surrounding soil.

Late Blight

This disease occurs at any stage on the leaves of plants. Brown and dark purple spots appear on the leaves and stem, due to which the leaves eventually get completely scorched.


Spray solution of Mancozeb 2 grams or Copper Oxy Chloride 3 grams or Ridomil MZ 3 grams per liter of water.

Leaf Spot Disease

Bacterial blotch pathogens can produce lesions on all parts of the plant such as leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. Initial leaf symptoms may consist of small, round to irregular, dark lesions surrounded by a yellow halo. Lesions increase in size to 3-5 mm diameter on leaf edges and tips. A blight appears on the affected leaves. And many spots occur and the leaves turn yellow and finally the lower part of the plant falls off and the plant dies.

Control: Before preparing the nursery bed, prepare the soil in sunlight and treat the seeds with Pseudomonas chloroscens (10 g/kg).

Pest infestation and control:
1.Leaf Miner: This insect makes silver colored tunnels in the leaves and eats the leaves inside them.


Remove and destroy infested leaves.
Dimenthoate 2 ml/litre or methyl demitone 30 EC. Spray 2 ml/litre water.

  1. Tomato Fruit Borer
  2. This kit is the most damaging kit in tomato and the female insect lays eggs on the lower surface of the leaves. The caterpillar makes holes in the tomato fruits and eats the pulp of the fruit.
tomato cultivation


Plant one row of marigold as a trap crop for every 16 rows of tomatoes.
If necessary, Neem seed extract (5 percent) or N.P.B. 250 ml/hectare or B.T. 1 gram/litre water Emamectin benzoate 5 SG, 1.g/2 liter Spinosad 45 SC. 1.ml/4. Litter or Deltamenthrin 2.5 EC. Use 1.ml/water.

  1. White fly: These insects suck the juice of leaves and spread virus-borne diseases.


Before transplanting, treat the roots of the plants with Imidaclogrid 1 ml for half an hour. / Dip in 3 litres.
Cover the nursery with 40 mesh nylon net.

Neem seed extract (4 percent) or dimenthoate 30 EC. 2 ml /Litre or Methyl Demitone 30 EC. 2 ml Spray / liter water.

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