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Arms licenses of all arms license holders of the district suspended due to assembly elections


Bhopal : The schedule of Assembly General Elections 2023 has been announced by the Election Commission of India. For free, fair, uninterrupted and peaceful voting of Assembly General Elections 2023, the arms licenses of all the arms license holders of the district have been suspended. Collector and District Election Officer Shri Praveen Singh has ordered to suspend the arms licenses of all the arms licensees of the district under the Arms Act 1959. This order will remain effective till December 05, 2023. All the arms licenses and all firearms license holders of the district have to deposit their weapons in the nearest police station. This order will not apply to magistrates, police and government officials and security staff and authorized persons of public undertakings.

Voter awareness message on the wall

Under the voter awareness campaign, sweep activities are being organized across the district. On the instructions of Collector and District Election Officer Praveen Singh and District Panchayat CEO Ashish Tiwari, various voter awareness programs are being organized in Sehore district as part of sweep activities across the district. So that voters can be motivated to vote more and more. The message of voter awareness is being given by wall writing in rural areas of the district. Slogans like ‘I have to do my duty, I have to go to vote, voting is important, everyone has to vote’ can be written on the wall so that voters can be motivated to vote more.

Polling stations are being painted

Keeping in view the upcoming assembly elections, Sehore Collector and District Election Officer Praveen Singh has given instructions to all the concerned officers to ensure necessary arrangements in the polling stations. On the instructions of the Collector and District Election Officer, painting work is being done in the polling stations of the district and all necessary facilities are being ensured.

Permission will have to be taken to use election campaign vehicle

The schedule for the Assembly General Elections 2023 has been announced. The Election Commission has given instructions to the concerned officers to follow the Model Code of Conduct. Orders in this regard have been issued by Sehore District Election Officer Praveen Singh. Orders have been issued with a view to maintaining peace and law and order during the Assembly General Elections 2023. For the Assembly elections 2023, permission to use the vehicle for election campaign by the candidates and their supporters will have to be taken from the concerned SDM. And will ensure to send daily information about vehicle usage to the concerned officer and District Election Officer.

District Election Officer Praveen Singh said that it will be mandatory for all political parties, candidates and individuals to put the permission obtained for the election campaign vehicle on the front glass of the vehicle. It will be mandatory for all political parties, candidates and individuals to take permission from the Magistrate of the concerned area for construction of helipad for helicopter and landing of helicopter for election campaign. All records related to the use of vehicles and helicopters will be maintained as per the instructions of the Election Commission.

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