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Raisen district gets development works worth Rs 748 crore, inauguration and foundation stone laying


The district level development festival program was held in the forest complex located in Raisen under the chief hospitality of Madhya Pradesh Health Minister Dr. Prabhuram Chaudhary and Silvani MLA Rampal Singh, who has the status of Cabinet Minister. The program started with Kanya Puja and lighting of the lamp.

Chief Minister performed Bhoomi Pujan and inauguration

The state-level Bhoomi Pujan and inauguration program of projects worth more than ₹ 53,000 crore organized by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan at Ravindra Bhawan, Bhopal, was watched live by public representatives, officials and citizens at Raisen Forest Complex.

Inauguration and foundation stone laying of projects of Raisen district

The Chief Minister inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of a total of 97 development projects worth Rs 748 crore 66 lakh 84 thousand for Raisen district in the state level program organized in Bhopal.

Development of Raisen district will gain momentum

While addressing the program, Health Minister Dr Chaudhary said that Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has given many gifts of development to the entire district including Sanchi Assembly. This will give impetus to the development of Raisen district and will open new doors of progress and economic prosperity for the citizens.

Raisen district got the gift of medical college

Raisen district on Wednesday got the gift of a medical college which will be built at a cost of Rs 750 crore. Apart from this, various projects worth Rs 748 crore have been gifted by the Chief Minister today. The Health Minister said that he is continuously working to ensure that Sanchi assembly and Raisen district remain first in terms of development.

Silwani MLA, who has the status of Cabinet Minister, said that under the leadership of the famous and popular Chief Minister of the state and the beloved brother of the sisters, Shivraj Singh Chauhan, the Ganges of development is flowing all around in Madhya Pradesh. He has launched many schemes for the welfare and economic progress of all of them. The MLA mentioned many schemes including Chief Minister Ladli Lakshmi, Sikho-Kamao, Kisan Kalyan Yojana, Ladli Brahmin Yojana.

Giving information in the program, Raisen Collector Arvind Dubey said that today various works worth Rs 748 crore 66 lakh 84 thousand have been inaugurated and Bhoomi Pujan has been done in the district. Of these, 14 development projects costing Rs 38 crore 65 lakh 47 thousand have been inaugurated and the foundation stone of 83 development projects costing Rs 710 crore 1 lakh 37 thousand has been laid.

Giving information about department-wise development works, he said that Water Resources Department has five development projects worth Rs 45 crore 43 lakh, Urban Administration Department has 28 development projects costing Rs 1 crore 73 lakh, Madhya Pradesh Tourism Department has Rs 39 crore 31 lakh. One development project of MP Jal Nigam, four development projects worth Rs 599 crore 88 lakh 70 thousand,

The foundation stone of 10 development projects of the Public Works Department costing Rs 38 crore 97 lakh 45 thousand was inaugurated. Similarly, 12 development projects of Health Department costing Rs 4 crore 80 lakh 89 thousand, 35 development projects of PHE Department costing Rs 18 crore 75 lakh 52 thousand,

One development project of State Education Center worth Rs 1 crore 55 lakh and one development project of Technical Education Department worth Rs 1 crore 55 lakh were inaugurated/foundation stone laid. Apart from these, the foundation stone of three works costing about Rs 10 crore was also laid under Amrit 2.0 in Raisen Municipality.

The Chief Minister interacted with Ladli Brahmin, a resident of Sunari village. The Chief Minister virtually interacted with Aarti Rajput, a resident of Ladli Brahmin village Sunari Salamatpur in Sanchi district of Raisen district, and asked about the changes in her life after the tap water scheme was introduced in the village. There is a group tap water scheme in his village. Due to which tap water is reaching all the houses in the village. Earlier there was a lot of water problem. Water had to be brought from hand pumps and wells, which took three-four hours. After the introduction of Group Tap Water Scheme, now water is coming from tap at home itself. This removes the problem of standing in line for water and then bringing it to home and also saves time.

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